Monthly Archives: October 2016

Tagtool Weekend in Berlin

On Friday 7 October we returned with Ilan Katin to our favourite ‘Berlin wall’ in Neukölln for an evening of unofficial projector bombing.  Once we had set up the Tagtool and started up the generator I did this quick preliminary drawing.02-p1140185Working on such a large scale is great – with graffiti to add some extra interest!01-p1140179We were joined by Danil Gertman and Grundik Kasyansky who had a performance in Berlin the following night. I knew their work only from the Internet so it was great to be able to meet up for this drawing session. Grundik provided the music and as Danil uses the Tagtool for iPad I was very interested to see him drawing ‘live’ for the first time. But I was so engrossed in watching how he uses the iPad version of the Tagtool that I have only a few photos from his drawing session.03-p114019204-p114019505-p1140203Because I usually only use the fade facility in performances or simply draw one image on top of another, I was particularly interested in seeing how Danil uses animation in his drawings….

….but watching the images develop and change made me realise that still photos (and even video clips) are a very poor substitute for being present at a drawing performance.  Once Danil had finished his session I tried out his pen and iPad, he ‘had a go’ with my old-school Tagtool and we had a nice discussion about Tagtool drawing. Then I did a bit more ‘old-school’ drawing.09-p1140224Some passers-by stopped to watch so we were able to let them know about Danil and Grundik’s performance the following evening at Gelegenheiten. Soon, as on our first visit to draw at the skate-park in February, it started to rain. Fortunately it was only a short shower and I was able to continue drawing from the shelter of our gazebo…10-p114022711-p1140232Dima said to me, ‘Why have you drawn such a depressing image?’ Well, I don’t know, as we were really having a lot of fun drawing together despite the cold damp weather. However, the chill night air didn’t prevent Ilan from ending the evening with some colourful calligraphic iPad drawings but I only have a couple of photos of his work for the blog, as I didn’t notice that my camera was on the wrong setting and most of them are far too dark – typical!12-p114023313-p1140238This was a most enjoyable evening of drawing!

On Saturday night we all met up again at Gelegenheiten for Grundik and Danil’s Lull Machines concert. The venue was packed with people and they gave a really great performance. I took some (not very good) photos – but here is a small selection to end this posting.1-p10707522-p1070759

It had been a most enjoyable and inspiring weekend!

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